From Kitchen to Beauty Routine: Mustard Oil Hacks

Among all the natural home remedies and DIY beauty tricks, there resides a powerhouse ingredient commonly overlooked on the shelf - mustard oil. Well-known for its uses in cooking creations, mustard oil, derived from pressing the seeds of the mustard plant, actually safeguards a treasury of qualities with the power to transform one's entire regime of self-care. Filled with antioxidants, vitamins and antibacterial agents, this versatile oil grants a bounty of advantages for hair, skin and overall well-being.

Hair Growth and Scalp Health:

This oil is rich in essential fatty acids like calcium, iron, and vitamins A, D, E and K. This nutrient richness makes it an excellent elixir for hair growth. You can use it as a massager on your scalp, as it will stimulate blood circulation, hair follicle growth, and root strengthening. 

Hair Conditioning:

If your hair is dry and damaged, mustard oil can also help condition it. It is a great ingredient to add to homemade conditioners. 

Natural Moisturiser:

Mustard oil is safe to apply on your skin as a moisturiser, as it doesn’t cause acne and blemishes. It locks the moisture in your skin, leaving it soft and supple. Apply a few drops of Mustard oil regularly on your skin to see the hydrating effects. 

Anti-Acne Agent:

This oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which makes it a great remedy for treating acne and blemishes. So, if you have acne-prone skin, then mustard oil is your safest skin care option. 

Anti-Ageing Remedy:

Mustard oil has high levels of antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein, which greatly protects skin from free radicals, anti-ageing, etc. So, massage your skin regularly with mustard oil to keep your skin looking radiant and young. 

Pain Relief:

Mustard oil is great for relieving body aches because of its analgesic properties. If you use warm mustard oil to massage your sore muscles, it will alleviate pain and inflammation. So, if you are suffering from arthritis and inflammation-related problems, then mustard oil can help you. 

Oral Health:

Only a few people know about the benefits of mustard oil in oral health. Your mouth is prone to a lot of bacteria because of its constant exposure to external agents and all kinds of food sources. Using Mustard oil for oil pulling will improve your oral hygiene as it has great anti-microbial properties. 

So, the next time your eyes land on a mustard oil bottle, don’t just see it as a cooking oil. Instead, view it as a beauty elixir that has all the secrets of healthy skin, hair and a healthy body. Start using it as an ingredient in your DIY skin care and hair care routines.


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